4 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review on Various Estimation Techniques for Multi Input Multi Output Channel

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    لقد تطورت مشكلة تقدير القناة اللاسلكية بسبب بعض التأثيرات غير المرغوب فيها للخواص الفيزيائية للقناة على الإشارات المرسلة. في نهاية المستقبل، التشوه، والتأخير، والتوهين، والتداخلات، ونوبات الطور هي أكثر المشكلات التي تواجهها مع الإشارات المستقبلة. من أجل التغلب على تأثيرات القناة وتوفير جودة كاملة تقريبًا لنقل البيانات، يلزم تقدير معلومات القناة. في أنظمة المخرجات متعددة المدخلات والمخرجات (MIMO)، يعتبر تقدير القناة خطوة أكثر تعقيدًا مقارنة بأنظمة المخرجات ذات المدخلات المفردة، SISO، نظرًا لأن عدد القنوات الفرعية التي تحتاج إلى تقدير أكبر بكثير من انظمة SISO. الهدف الأساسي من هذه الورقة البحثية هو مراجعة شاملة لاغلب الخوارزميات الشهيرة والفعالة التي تم ابتكارها لحل مشكلة تقدير قناة MIMO في أنظمة الاتصالات اللاسلكية. في هذه الورقة، تم تصنيف هذه التقنيات إلى ثلاث مجموعات: غير المكفوفين، شبه الأعمى وتقدير أعمى. لكل مجموعة، يتم تقديم توضيح مختصر لخوارزميات التقدير المألوفة. وأخيرًا، نقارن بين هذه التقنيات استنادًا إلى التعقيد الحسابي والكمون ودقة التقدير.The problem of wireless channel estimation has been evolving due to some undesirable effects of channel physical properties on transmitted signals. At the receiver end, distortions, delays, attenuations, interferences, and phase shifts are the most issues encounter together with the received signals. In order to overcome channel effects and provide almost a perfect quality of data transmission, channel parameter estimation is needed. In Multiple Input-Multiple Output systems (MIMO), channel estimation is a more complicated step as compared with the Single Input-Single Output systems, SISO, because of the fact that the number of sub-channels that needs estimate is much greater than SISO systems. The fundamental objective of this research paper is to go over the famous and efficient algorithms that have been innovated to solve the problem of MIMO channel estimation in wireless communication systems. In this paper, these techniques have been classified into three groups: non-blind, semi-blind and blind estimation. For each group, a brief illustration is presented for familiar estimation algorithms. Finally, we compare between these techniques based on computational complexity, latency and estimation accuracy

    Noise in ICUs: Review and Detailed Analysis of Long-Term SPL Monitoring in ICUs in Northern Spain

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    Intensive care units (ICUs) are busy and noisy areas where patients and professional staff can be exposed to acoustic noise for long periods of time. In many cases, noise levels significantly exceed the levels recommended by the official health organisations. This situation can affect not only patient recovery but also professional staff, making ICUs unhealthy work and treatment environments. To introduce the measures and reduce the acoustic noise in the ICU, acoustic noise levels should first be measured and then appropriately analysed. However, in most studies dealing with this problem, measurements have been performed manually over short periods, leading to limited data being collected. They are usually followed by insufficient analysis, which in turn results in inadequate measures and noise reduction. This paper reviews recent works dealing with the problem of excessively high noise levels in ICUs and proposes a more thorough analysis of measured data both in the time and frequency domains. Applied frequency domain analysis identifies the cyclic behaviour of the measured sound pressure levels (SPLs) and detects the dominant frequency components in the SPL time series. Moreover, statistical analyses are produced to depict the patterns and SPLs to which patients in ICUs are typically exposed during their stay in the ICU. It has been shown that the acoustic environment is very similar every night, while it can vary significantly during the day or evening periods. However, during most of the observed time, recorded SPLs were significantly above the prescribed values, indicating an urgent need for their control and reduction. To effectively tackle this problem, more detailed information about the nature of noise during each of the analysed periods of the day is needed. This issue will be addressed in the continuation of this project